Participatory Modelling Course
From 20th to 24th of November a intensive participatory modelling course taught by María Máñez took place in Ballito (South Africa) under the financing of WIOMSA (West Indian Ocean Marine Scientific Association) as a collaboration with the Marie Curie Network “KnowHow”.

Scientist from different disciplines and countries learnt how to develop participatory models using group model building techniques and how to transform qualitative obtained models into quantitative ones that enable the analysis of policy measures and disclose the interrelation and feedback loops of the systems.
During the workshop we had the collaboration of local authorities dealing with real adaptation to climate change problems and implementation issues. They supported the development of the group model that will be used for analysing the bottlenecks of adaptation measures in the area.
The workshop served as well for launching the working group on “System Dynamics Modelling in the West Indian Ocean Region”.
further information on decision support and governance tools