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Umgang mit Klimaprojektions-Ensembles aus der Perspektive der Impaktmodellierung

Worhshop Klimaprojektion und Impakt

On initiative of the-federal state expert discussion „Interpretation regionaler Klimamodelldaten“ (Interpretation of regional climate model data), GERICS prepared and hosted the workshop “Umgang mit Klimaprojektions-Ensembles aus der Perspektive der Impaktmodellierung” (dealing with climate projection ensembles in impact modelling).

20 participants from state offices, universities and research institutes in Germany attended the workshop, and discussed methods and questions regarding the handling of climate projection ensembles in impact modelling.

On the basis of application examples of various sectors (for example hydrological modelling, agriculture and forestry) cross sectoral usable methods as well as still existing barriers to the use of climate projections were identified and discussed.