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Resilience 2017

Earth League Logo Resilience2017 Conference

GERICS hosts the secretariat of the Earth League, an international alliance of leading scientists from different disciplines with the aim of supporting research and innovation in the field of Earth system science. The Earth League strives to address the challenges that climate change and scarcity of resources pose to human societies, through a sound understanding of the underlying principles working in the Earth system as well as through an interdisciplinary, solution oriented view.

Johan Rockström, director of the Earth League, is one of the directors of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, which co-organised the 'Resilience 2017' conference in Stockholm from August 20 to 23, 2017. The event gathered researchers, practitioners, and artists from around the world, and focused on 'global sustainability challenges and opportunities'. An explanation by Johan Rockström on the concept of resilience and its importance for a sustainable future, as well as more information on the conference, can be found under the link below.
Homepage Resilience 2017