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GERICS at Clim4Energy Final Workshop

On March 5th and 6th, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) contracts Clim4Energy and ECEM (European Climatic Energy Mixes) presented their work at a final workshop in Paris.

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Over 90 participants (~50% research, ~40% energy industry, ~10% policy makers) joined this event, expressing their interest in the wealth of newly available climate impact data linking climate change and the energy sector.

GERICS presented the Climate Impact Fact Sheets, developed in the context of Clim4Energy, specifically for and in collaboration with the energy sector. For each topic (wind power, hydropower, offshore oil and gas, bioenergy, demand-generation balance impact of freezing rain on electricity infrastructure) the latest scientific findings regarding the impact of climate change as well as practical implications, a case study and other topics are presented in a well-structured and concise way.

Overall, the enthusiasm for the presented data was remarkable. According to the industry this leads to a new challenge: Having access to climate data relevant for the sector is no longer the main problem. Now, a meaningful application of the data to a company’s individual advantage becomes key. For this reason one major concern of the energy industry is the guarantee for continuity and maintenance of the data sets and portals. C3S should therefore ensure a smooth transition of the data from the proof-of-concept contracts, such as Clim4Energy and ECEM, to an operational service in the climate data store (CDS).

Gruppenfoto Abschlussworkshop Clim4Energy
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